Facts About Sphynx
The Sphynx is not actually hairless, but covered in a coat of down. In fact, the skin texture resembles that of chamois leather.
They Sphynx likes to keep warm by rubbing up against other animals or people. Because of their lack of hair, they are very warm and soft to the touch.
Two hairless kittens found in Minnesota in the 1970s had a major influence on establishing the Sphynx breed along with Prune's relatives. Their names? Dermis and Epidermis.
An adult Sphynx weighs between 6 and 12 pounds - See more at: http://pethealthnetwork.com/lifestyle/sphynx-cat-breed#sthash.3Ccf5Bg0.dpuf
Comic Facts
Riddle of the Sphynx
You’d think, from the name, that this is an ancient breed, hailing from Egypt and the time of the Pharaohs, but they’re not. The breed's origins actually began in Canada in 1966, when a mutant hairless male kitten named Prune was born. His progeny, also hairless, was classified as a new breed, which was named the Sphyx due the cats' sleek look and resemblance to the iconic Egyptian statues of old.
foto: Hayvan-Davranisi-Kimmo-Metsaranta
Skip the Barber
To be precise, the Sphynx isn’t always completely hairless. Some cats are covered with a fine fuzz. And they can have the same markings as other cats (points, spots, tabby, and so on). But like all cats -- possibly even more so -- the Sphynx will seek out the warm spots, like under the covers or snuggled up against you.
Bathing Beauty
That’s right, the Sphynx is a cat that needs baths from time to time. We’re most definitely not saying she’s dirty (how insulting!), but because she has no fur to absorb the natural body oils, she needs a little help from time to time. After all, a cat has standards to maintain.
Attention Seekers
While they enjoy attention and make fantastic show cats, the Sphynx loves your attention even more. A social cat, they’ll actively seek out their human to snuggle with, or show off for. They’re active and energetic and even like the company of other cats and dogs.